Initiative for the inclusion of children with disabilities

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Nuestra Causa

El Proyecto MEN promueve una transformación positiva en consonancia con los principios y valores cristianos y redefiniendo la concepción tradicional de la masculinidad y fomentar la construcción de relaciones equitativas y libres de violencia.

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Misión del proyecto WASH

Ampliar de manera significativa el acceso a fuentes de agua sostenibles y limpias en los hogares, escuelas y centros de salud, buscando la mejora de la calidad de vida de las familias en todos los lugares donde World Vision trabaja en Honduras, con el objetivo de alcanzar 650,000 personas con agua, higiene y saneamiento en los próximos 5 años. Esto significa la mejora del acceso a instalaciones de saneamiento de alta calidad, la promoción de la educación en materia de higiene y la adopción de prácticas de cambio de comportamiento y cuidado de las fuentes de agua.  Además, contribuimos en el fortalecimiento de capacidades en el liderazgo comunitario y autoridades locales para que puedan facilitar intervenciones y servicios sostenibles a largo plazo.

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Our Cause

2.64% of Hondurans live with some type of disability, it was also found that 1 in every 100 households in the country have 1 person with a disability; People with disabilities have the right to full participation in all aspects of political, civil, economic, social and cultural life; For this reason we carried out the Disability Inclusion initiative in World Vision Honduras, starting with the training of the technical team, leadership and partners to better understand the causes and types of disability in the communities of intervention, design more inclusive programs and build competencies, especially with technical staff and volunteers to identify all types of disabilities.

We believe it is important to socialize a strategy on disability inclusion with civil society. That is why with the workshop "Traveling Together, mapping of organizations in the disability sector", together with more than 30 representatives of organizations in the sector (Waal Foundation, APOAUTIS, PREPACE, Instituto Psicopedagógico Juana LECLERC, FENAPAPEDISH, INFRACNOVI, among others); we carried out the Conversatory Listening to our Voices: Girls and boys with disabilities expressing their rights Honduras, where 50 girls and boys with disabilities were trained in the OUR VOICE methodology, expressed their rights to decision makers and representatives of international cooperation.

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