Transversal axes
Why Transversal axes?
There are fundamental and cross-cutting themes that span across all our areas of work and programs, providing guidance and coherence to all organization activities. This ensures that our interventions are aligned with the core values and principles essential for sustainable development and humanitarian assistance.
Working with churches and faith in development
Our Christian faith is central to who we are, World Vision uses faith-based approaches, working with churches and faith-based organizations in all contexts, to address the spiritual root causes of child vulnerability and achieve better outcomes for girls and boys. We encourage authorities, faith-based organizations and decision-makers to take action for the benefit of children; to drive faith-based development processes as a transformative element of communities and the country as a whole; to contribute to the closing of gaps and inequalities between men and women and the inclusion of the most vulnerable children in our country.
Get to know the projects

Christian Discipleship
The project seeks that children develop in an integral way in their environments, working with churches so that they become protagonists in the promotion of a change.
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)
Research shows that societies with greater gender equality experience faster economic growth, better outcomes for children, and more representative government institutions. Gender equality and social inclusion is a fundamental element of our country strategy, focused on developing technical capacities and skills to help change mindsets, attitudes and behaviors that promote inclusion and equal opportunity.
We collaborate with religious leaders and authorities at local and national levels to amplify the voices of children, support GESI's awareness and action on structural and systemic issues and inequalities affecting the most vulnerable children.
Get to know the projects

Strong Women Strong World
Empowering women and girls by integrating water, hygiene, and sanitation with economic initiatives and access to microfinance.

This project strengthens the skills of 4,000 women working in GILDAN factories in Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.

The MEN Project promotes a positive transformation in line with Christian principles and values, redefining the traditional conception of masculinity.

Inclusion of children with disabilities
People with disabilities have the right to full participation in all aspects of political, civil, economic, social, and cultural life.
We work to influence and advocate (individually or together with other partners - actors) before the public institutions (Executive, Legislative, Judicial and Local Governments) responsible for guaranteeing the rights and protection of children in the country; we design plans, strategies and actions aimed at improving the conditions of Honduran children and respect for their rights, through the creation of laws (or improvement - updating of the same), the generation of public policies, budgets (or increase), the development of programs and projects, all in favor of children in the country.