Promoting reintegration and rootedness among returned migrant children

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Our Cause

Project focused on facilitating the economic and social reintegration of returned migrants. We pay special attention to the protection and well-being of returned children and adolescents, with an emphasis on the restitution of their rights, allowing them to reintegrate in a sustainable manner in their families and communities of origin.

This project is implemented with funds donated by USAID and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in municipalities in the departments of Cortés, Yoro and Santa Bárbara and Copan. 140 returned families were supported with food kits and seed capital for entrepreneurship.

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Nuestra Objetivo

Mejorar la calidad educativa de 350,757 niños, niñas y adolescentes en sus prácticas en el cuidado del planeta reforzando las habilidades y competencias de los profesores. Gracias al apoyo financiero de Gildan Honduras operamos en el departamento de Cortés.

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