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Why Food Safety?

Honduras faces a great challenge due to climatic and social factors that influence the decrease in food production. Food and nutritional insecurity reached 2,418,192 million people between June and August 2023, which represents 25% of the population in Honduras.

We work to promote the development of research and innovation to improve the availability and use of food, resulting in sustainable livelihoods that reduce the intention of families to migrate forcibly, with a focus on promoting the participation of women. To improve the food security of families, we develop actions aimed at strengthening capacities that allow behavioral changes, business skills, promoting entrepreneurship, supporting producer families through agricultural kits, establishing field schools for the production of basic grains and vegetables, and supporting savings groups.

By the end of 2024, 700,000 children, adolescents, youth and their families will be more resilient with sustainable livelihoods by settling in their territories.
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Conoce los proyectos:


Educación y transformación de la niñez

Mejorar la calidad educativa de 350,757 niños, niñas y adolescentes.


Digitalización de la educación

Nuestra principal meta es garantizar que los niños y niñas entre 5 y 17 años accedan a una educación de alta calidad y mejoren sus habilidades de lectura.
